Feedback and Testimonials:
Overall, for emotional well-being, do you feel it was better for your child to have a Medi Teddy than to not have a Medi Teddy?
How important do you feel Medi Teddy is as a part of your child's care? 0=makes no difference at all and 10 = we could not get through an infusion without our Medi Teddy
Do you feel Medi Teddy reduced the physical pain your child experienced during the IV infusion or feeding?
Do You Feel Medi Teddy Was Easy To Use?
“It’s been the most amazing thing to help him. ”
“He absolutely loved that he didn’t have to see the bag of medicine. It helped him calm down. ”
“It makes him feel not so alone.”
The language of comfort is universal!
“Thank you for coming up with a beautiful idea to help ease infusion worries for both myself and my child. :) xo”
“I am a retired registered nurse and I think there is a great need for [Medi] Teddy.”
“It made me feel safe”
“It was a talking point among staff, it hid the medicine, it made her smile and relax, it gave the sterile room some fun.”
“Our [Medi Teddy] goes with us to every hospital stay! Can’t be without him!”
“Thank you so much for his Medi teddy! We love it!”
“It comforted him, made him smile, made him feel like he had a “friend””
“She is excited to put Medi Teddy up on the pole”
“My mom loves talking about the Medi Teddy with her grandkids during her tube feeds and the grandkids seem much less anxious around the medical equipment!”
“It made it seem less scary with Medi Teddy watching over.”
“Love this for children but also for adult patients (especially those with younger kids around during infusions/feeds). It has helped our experience greatly!”
“The Medi Teddy is a great distraction for young children. It’s literally making the best of a terrible situation any child should never have to endure.”